Month: July 2014

Sleep Issues

My boys function best with an early bedtime.  Even on vacation we aim for no later than 8 pm.  At home we shoot for 7:30.  The baby is often in bed by 7 pm.  Call us crazy, but it works for us.  Ricky gets to stay up reading, but he’s in bed and ready to […]

Swim Lessons

One of the must do’s each summer is swim lessons.  Unless we do evening classes before summer … but I digress. Swim lessons. All four boys having lessons at the same time at the same pool was heavenly this summer.  Just heavenly. They had good teachers who worked with them and they all made great […]

Waterfall Canyon

On Memorial Day we went for our second hike of the season.  We took the boys up Waterfall Canyon in Ogden. It is a relatively easy and quick hike.  I’ve done it many times as a youth and as an adult and I’ve never seen it as crowded as it was that morning!  We actually […]

End of School

Ricky and Billy finished school the Friday before Memorial Day. Both boys had good years and grew so much – physically and mentally. Billy did leave several teeth behind though. Next year Ricky will be in 5th grade.  He gets to keep his same teacher and be in the split (4th/5th) class again. Billy gets […]

Preschool Graduation

Rusty graduated preschool this May. Tommy did, too, but not really. He’ll be back again next year.  The teacher, Ms. Cherie,  just holds one end of year program and all the kids get recognized. It was a cute little program.  The kids did their ABCs and counted to 100.  They sang a couple of songs […]