Bobby was 10 months


I have a picture package for Bobby.  He gets pictures done every so many months and I get a reduced price – win win situation.


Unfortunately, his 9 month pictures kept getting pushed back and pushed back until he was already 10 months old by the time we took them.  Oh well.  He was still DANG cute.


He is a sweetheart and the most pleasant baby.  All of my boys have been good babies.  If he is going to have a problem with someone, it will most likely be a man, especially one with facial hair.


He is getting so grown up.  He crawls everywhere and is super speedy about it, too.  At church this last week, he took off down the row and was up the aisle and to the teacher before we even realized he was gone!


Bobby likes to pull himself up to standing.  He’s now getting better about falling from standing – he usually lands on his bum rather than his head.  He is just barely starting to move while he’s standing – starting out holding the ottoman and then switching his hands to the couch.  And, once in a while, he’ll even let go and balance for a second before landing on that cute bum.  I keep telling him that he can crawl for many more months before learning how to walk … I hope he listens!


He’s getting better and better at eating real food (as opposed to baby food).  He still makes a lovely retching sound and horrible faces, but not as often.  Bobby has discovered Cheerios and is quite taken with them!


Bobby is noisy.  He loves to talk and he loves to talk loud.  He echos us a lot and he’s very good at calling Kevin “dadada.”


Kevin is Bobby’s favorite.  Naturally.

He likes to put things into his mouth and he is currently in a biting stage.  The other day I gently scolded him for biting me (it HURT) and he made the saddest face before crying huge alligator tears.  Apparently Bobby doesn’t take criticism well.


At church last Sunday a lady said to me, “Bobby is SO cute!  He looks just like you!”  I liked that comment.

He really is the sweetest thing and we love him to pieces!