Bobby is One!

Bobby had a birthday.  He also had a double ear infection.  It wasn’t a very eventful birthday.

He got on his antibiotics and started feeling better within a day or two.

I was asked by several friends if I had a big birthday party planned since, you know, turning one is a really big deal.


Yeah, um, no.  I’m not “birthday party mom” and I don’t pretend to be.


We  had Grandmama and Aunt Nancy over for present opening, but that was about it.


And since he was tired and cranky, that was all he really needed.


He got some fun toys and clothes.


My favorite toy (which I picked out for him) was a Little People Disneyland and accompanying trolley.  Oh.  So.  Cute.


Bobby loves it!  And his brothers almost fight for a turn to play with it, too!


Blocks are always a big hit – especially since Bobby is a thrower … he only hit me with a couple of blocks.


Knowing he wasn’t really going to do much with his cake, I made a cake I wanted … a chocolate pudding poke cake with whipped cream frosting.  It was quite yummy.


He may not have been interested in the cake, but he was very interested in that candle.  He was disappointed that I didn’t let him grab it.


We tried the cake.


But it mostly just ended up on the floor.  Did I mention that not only is he a thrower, but Bobby is also a dropper?



A very cute dropper…


With the most adorable legs and ankles that he crosses all the time …


Happy birthday, sweet boy!


As is customary, I decorated his door for his birthday and wanted the birthday picture of him in front of his door.  Bobby preferred crawling down the hall in search of cats …


He did finally show a little interest in his door …


But wasn’t interested in looking at the camera …



I tried.  Then I tried again a couple of days later …



He wasn’t really cooperative then either.  This one is still cute, even if it is a bit blurry …



How I adore this little one year old boy!  He is pleasant and snuggly.  He’s determined and a bit stubborn, but he does it all with a smile and, if you are lucky, a raised eyebrow.  At his well-check, Bobby weighed in at 22 lbs 6 oz (65th percentile) and he was 30.5 inches long (75th percentile) and his head circumference is 18.5 inches (70th percentile).  He is growing great and right on target as far as the doctor’s office is concerned.  Bobby has his Poppy wrapped around his finger (I say his dad spoils him) and he always let’s us know if we are not giving him enough attention!

There are only two words that I know he consistently says that mean something … Dada (Kevin’s spoiling has paid off to earn him a first word status) and “Tat” which is how he says cat.  Bobby loves the cats and tries to give our orange one kisses – which leaves him with a mouth full of fur, but he tries anyway.

I’m so thankful for this little brown-eyed boy!