Let me explain. No. There is too much.


Bobby pulls up on everything.  He is starting to cruise a bit around furniture.  I’m sure it won’t be long until all pictures of him will be blurry because he moves so fast.  Sigh.  He’s really cute.


If you put him in the grass, he will crawl.  He will crawl towards cement and stairs.  Every time.


Bobby loves his Poppy.  And he loves water.  I’m pretty sure he wanted to know why he wasn’t in the tub with his brothers…


Toothbrush holder.  Favorite toy for a couple of weeks.  Who knows why.


Went out for a date.  Took a picture.


Our summer adventures messed with nap time a lot, but he only fell asleep in his high chair once.  So, so sweet.


After a play date at his friends’ Eli and Charlotte’s home, Tommy came home with this green mask and declared, “Look, Momma!  I’m the Green Lantern!”


First time Bobby rode on his toy car.  Amazed I caught his reaction in a picture.  Totally cracked me up!


My mom knitted sweaters for my brothers when they were little boys.  She recently pulled them out and passed them on to my boys.   My boys like the sweaters so much that they’ve been wearing them all summer … in 90+ degree heat!


I don’t remember what was going on here.  But I do love it when my boys play together …


Billy is the best protector of Bobby.  He is the first to notice if Bobby put something in his mouth and the first to grab Bobby and move him if he tries to climb stairs or crawl somewhere else we’d rather he not crawl.  I get to see Billy carrying Bobby like this several times a day … and I love it!


One evening I sent the 4 older boys up to get their pajamas on.  They went quickly and quickly came back … and struck this pose.  I think two of them were ninjas and two were wizards, but I never did figure out what their intentions were.  I was too busy laughing.


We had a really rainy August.  Most afternoons a thunderstorm would roll through.  Most afternoons you could see Billy out there waving whatever stick was his wand of the day and dancing around.  He’d come back inside and announce, “I made it rain again today.”


Ricky has had a wart on his finger for several years.  We’ve tried lots of home remedies but it was still there.  Last winter, while at the doctor for a totally unrelated reason, we had her freeze it off.  We thought it had fallen off for good, but it came back and grew more than twice as big.  I called it his “angry wart” – angry because we tried to get rid of it.  With school about to start, I took Ricky back to the doctor to get it removed again.  The liquid nitrogen made the wart even more angry – this picture is mild compared to what it became – but we think it is finally gone for good.



The boys have been very into their legos this summer.  I have been very into keeping those legos out of Bobby’s mouth.



Rusty really gets into his lego building.



The playpen is the best place to keep Bobby if you want to keep legos out of his mouth …


Story time.  This is one of the reasons we had to buy such a large couch …


Video game time at our house.  The boys who play together …


Grandmama got lemon brownies for her birthday.  And lots of cheering from the boys for her to blow out all those candles at once.  Rusty and Tommy were ready to step in and help if necessary.


Rusty crashed one day and Billy was right there to help him into the house.  How adorable is this?  And how adorable is it that my husband took a picture of it before rushing over to make sure Rusty was okay?


Billy has always loved listening to stories and books, but he is finally catching on to the love of reading them to himself.  And when you can sit in a little chair to do it, it is all that much better!


He is just cute.


Sometimes my boys like me best.  But probably only if their Poppy is busy …




I like them best all the time!