Month: January 2015

While Poppy’s Away …

I mentioned in an earlier post that Kevin was gone for a week in December.  It was a very long week.  Not only long because I missed the big lug or because the children missed their dad, but because so many things went wrong.  Most of it was inconsequential, but as it all kept adding […]

Billy’s First Piano Recital

Billy had his first piano recital in December.  He played Away in a Manger and Jingle Bells.  His songs were written as duets and his teacher asked if he wanted her to play with him … or his mom.  Sigh.  The problems that come when the piano teacher knows Mom plays the piano.  Even though […]

Homemade Christmas

Kevin spent a week in Massachusetts for work in December.  It was a long week. To entertain the boys one day (and give me a bit of a break), I pulled out the construction paper and scissors and set them to work making decorations for our small Christmas tree and making snowflakes.  They were delighted. […]

Santa came to our Neighborhood

When I was growing up, I swore I was never going to live in Hooper.  It was a backwards, little town full of hicks.  Quite honestly, the only things I really knew about the town was that they had a tiny post office adjacent to a tiny grocery store and they did a demolition derby […]

thanksgiving in california

The travel bug hit and we decided to go to California for Thanksgiving. The boys have become good travelers.  In the past, I seemed to spend as much time packing things to keep them occupied on the road as I did packing everything else for the trip.  Road entertainment was more of an after thought […]