While Poppy’s Away …

I mentioned in an earlier post that Kevin was gone for a week in December.  It was a very long week.  Not only long because I missed the big lug or because the children missed their dad, but because so many things went wrong.  Most of it was inconsequential, but as it all kept adding up, I’d had enough.

Let me list just a few of the things that came at me:

  • A diaper got into the washing machine with a load of laundry.  I believe it was a clean diaper, but still a humongous mess.
  • I put up the Christmas tree and half the lights weren’t working.
  • I got a well meaning text from a friend chastising me for something I had said the day before.  She’d asked my opinion of something and I gave it.  I wasn’t even mean!
  • Billy got sick and missed a day or two of school.
  • My laptop wouldn’t boot up.
  • Tommy had a belly ache and cried for 2 straight hours one night.  Then he slept in my bed the rest of the night which is anything but restful for me!  He kicks and snores!
  • Rusty’s ride to school didn’t show up one day and I had just barely put Bobby down for a nap.
  • A stinky diaper leaked all over me.
  • I somehow got into the Spanish menu at the ATM.
  • The plunger broke.  In the toilet.  As I was unclogging it.

That’s only a partial list.

It was just a long week.

I left off the list the phone call I got one morning right after dropping Tommy off at preschool.  My mom had fallen at the elementary school where she volunteers.  All I was told on the phone was, “she fell and she’s not good.”  I loaded Rusty and Bobby up and went to see what was going on.  Mom was okay, but she’d obviously broken her pinky and banged up both knees and her other hand quite well.  To make a long story short, it was four long hours of me, in slippers with undone hair without having eaten breakfast, and a 1 year old (I’d thankfully dropped Rusty off at a friend’s house) with my Mom at a run-down medical facility (luckily I grabbed the diaper bag for Bobby) while we waited for the news that Mom would need surgery to fix the finger that was not only dislocated but also broken in two places.

Long.  Day.

And Bobby.


Sweet, sweet Bobby.  How I adore that little man.  I’m just thankful he wasn’t walking yet the week Kevin was gone.  I can only imagine the magnitude of messes I would have faced then.


As it was, there were plenty.  Add to it, that was the week he decided that he’d rather feed himself than let Momma feed him.  I missed tag teaming with Kevin!


But Bobby is just so dang cute!



And his messes are generally pretty cute, too.  And I can usually laugh at them.  Unless it is the day the plunger broke in the toilet while I was unclogging it.  I didn’t laugh about that mess.

At least not for a day or two.