
So much of our life is just the same old thing.  We get up, get ready for school, do homework and piano lessons and eat.  Then it is ready for bed and a few quiet moments for the parents.  Among all that ordinary routine, there are a few snippets of extra-ordinary happenings.  Here are a few of those snippets.

We rarely get a huge load of mulch from the tree man.  Bobby (and the other boys) wish this was a more frequent happening!  They have climbed and dug and conquered this mountain!


I just happened to bring home this old baby buggy from my mom’s house a few weeks ago.  It had been there for my nieces to play with, but they’ve all grown beyond that now and so I reclaimed it.  I figured the boys would use it for hauling stuffed animals or cars or legos.  I hadn’t expected Bobby to climb on in and then call for me because he couldn’t get back out again.


It is incredibly rare for one of our friends to get seriously hurt.  Tommy’s little friend Ellie took a tumble out of a window – a horrible accident that could have been so much worse.  Sweet Tommy prayed for Ellie many times and wanted to take her flowers.  This was the day after the accident.  A week later, she was back at preschool!  Miracles happen today.  The stuffed fish by her elbow is one of a couple of toys she got while in the hospital.  She named it Tommy … so that she would have her friends with her that night.  How sweet is that?  How sweet are these kids?


Normally, Bobby rides the approved way in shopping carts.  One day we were out doing errands and he insisted on sitting sideways.  Okay then.


We take our St. Patrick’s Day pinching seriously and Kevin had forgotten to wear pajamas with green in them.  Upon coming downstairs that morning, he was quickly  reminded of his error and grabbed the first green thing he saw.  Saved by the bib.


Normally, I have taken the bottle away from my boys by Bobby’s age.  It is the only way to get him to take milk, so he still gets it.  Usually in his high chair or rocking before bed.  Very, very rarely while laying on my bathroom floor and playing with cars.


We have had beautiful spring weather and I have enjoyed playing outside with the boys.  One breezy day, Bobby joined me for a wiggle car ride.  We don’t go fast, but we enjoy a good cruising speed.


Of course, Bobby just likes to ride anything.  He loves his tricycles and the wiggle cars.  He tries to ride his brothers’ scooters and bikes.  He tries to take the cat for a ride.  One day I heard him scooting along and looked to find him taking his toy car for a ride.  It isn’t a sit-on toy.  But he made it one.


Often, Kevin and I take selfies when we go on dates.  A lot less often do we look this good in those selfies …


Bobby is very observant and very much a copy cat.  This is his version of folding his arms for prayers.  It melts my heart.  Every.  Single.  Time.


And then there are moments like this.  A one year old comes walking into a room wearing his dad’s hat.  Sigh.  I love him.


Tommy will sit down and plunk on the piano keys frequently.  Less frequently he attempts to hit the highest note and the lowest note at the same time.


The boys had some school goals they were working towards and I thought I’d try to speed up the process with ice cream bribery.  It didn’t work.  I just happened to take Ricky on a date to the DI to buy some books (he goes through them so fast and our library is sometimes lacking) and then for some ice cream.  While we were eating, Ricky said, “You remember how you were going to take me for ice cream when I passed my math goal.  I did that a couple weeks ago, so this counts.”  The stinker!  If he’d told me, I would have taken him sooner!  At least he is such a good sport that he didn’t nag me to take him, he just accepted this as good enough.  He’s a good kid.



A few snippets.  There you go.