Catch Up Part 2

Here is some randomness from May.  No eloquence, just catching up!


Tommy went with his dad to practice being a landlord one day.  He made the mistake of sitting on the floor where he immediately became a puppy party to actual dogs.  He was happy.  The dogs were happy.  Good day.


Another Webelos scout pin project … creating puppets and putting on a puppet show.  Ricky made stick puppets and had Billy help him perform while I filmed.  There was a script, but the actual performance was much more of an ab lib production.  They are silly boys!


Kind of like these two … silly boys!


And this one … silliness.


But how I LOVE that silliness!


There was a Book Fair at the boys’ school and all 4 boys were so incredibly excited to get to pick out a new book.  It isn’t like they never get new books, so I’m not sure why this was such a big deal.  But I like it.  And I liked even more that they barely put those books down all the next day.  (I don’t like the filter on this picture – but I was trying something new)


Our wiggle cars have gotten a ton of use this spring.  Bobby especially likes to scoot around on them.  If the van is in the driveway, he insists are driving ’round and ’round and ’round it.   Have I mentioned his cuteness?


During one of Billy’s baseball games, he took a ball to the chin.  The cool part was that you could see where the ball’s stitches hit him.  Well.  At least I thought it was cool. Billy wasn’t so sure.


Our neighbors have a couple of black labs (friendly dogs).  They tethered the dogs to a nice long rope, but maybe it was too long.  The dogs were spending their afternoons in our yard with the boys – still tethered to the rope in their backyard!  Tommy didn’t mind.  He loves dogs!


Apron?  Check.  Oven mitt?  Check.  Pair of shorts for a hat.  Check check.



Cuteness.  Sigh.