Tommy is 5

Tommy is so much fun!  He is a little old soul and says things way beyond his age.  His vocabulary shocks me sometimes.  And then he’ll say things totally adorable like, “Us ready to go?” and I know I should correct him, but it is hard to let him grow up!

He wanted a sprinkles cake for his birthday.  I wasn’t sure what that meant, so I made a layered cake and covered the top with sprinkles.  He seemed to like it.  At least he liked it enough to take pictures of it once I was finished.


Tommy was up nice and early on his birthday – he didn’t want to miss any of his celebrating!


Because he was up so early, there was plenty of time to open his presents before his brothers went to school.  He got a new shirt, some action figures, a dinosaur, and his own roller skates.  His first attempts at roller skating weren’t so graceful.  Kevin had him rolling around in the house and his legs were going opposite directions!  Since then, he’s gotten really good at it!


Tommy’s birthday was full of school and an evening at the park for Father and Sons.  But we made time for that sprinkles cake!



The candles were barely blown out and Tommy started pulling them out to suck the frosting off.  I warned him about hot wax, but he didn’t care.  No one was going to get that extra frosting except him.  (Note:  this is NOT a tradition.  We generally just take the candles out, frosting and all, and set them aside.  Sucking on wax is not a family past time!)


The boys had talked about sleeping over for the camp-out portion, but the threat of rain brought them home.  It was a good choice because it rained a lot that night!


This sassy man cracks me up!  He’s got the best eyebrows that can tell a story all by themselves!  He’s a deep thinker  who figures out the reason behind things, but his reasoning often makes us laugh.  He loves his brothers, especially his big brothers, and wants to play with them all day.


Tommy is good at school and has surprised me by reading a few words here or there.  He’s very excited to start kindergarten and go to school with his brothers.  He loves to ride his bike and has tons of energy.  His running reminds me of bouncing – and he seems to do it all day long.  He isn’t so fond of picking up toys, but dusts like a champ!


I’m not sure how it happened, but my little Tom Tom turned 5!  I sure do love him!