Father’s Day 2015

It seems to have become our tradition to host a family party for Father’s Day.  We grill;  we visit;  we play.

This year we had the added bonus of getting two of my cousins and their families to spend the afternoon with us.  Given that I only have 11 cousins in all, none of which do I see very often, spending the day with 2 of them was big news!  My cousins Amy and Sarah are the only cousins I know on my dad’s side and I hadn’t seen either of them in probably 4 years.

I’ve been in contact with Sarah more than any other cousin.


Amy lives in Utah County, but we’ve never been close.


Kevin and I did have to teach them the beauty of Koob.  Amy’s husband James caught on quickly.


It was Father’s Day, so we did have to celebrate Kevin.  The boys adore their dad.


He’s the best father I could ever hope for for my boys.  That’s good, since they are his boys, too!


And then we ended the night in matching pajamas – because we could!   My apologies to anyone who bought these as actual outfits for their children – that’s how they were meant to be sold.  As outfits.  Really?  For boys?  Nah.  They scream pajamas in our house!



Happy Father’s Day, Kev!  Even if the holiday was 3 months, I still appreciate and love you!  Muah!