A few more December odds and ends


I own cats for multiple reasons.  Kevin owns cats for two:  one, because I like them, and, two, to cut down the mouse population.  We might get mice in our garage and attic, but never our house – at least not for long!  A mouse had gotten itself stuck in our air return and this is how I knew it was there … Once I opened the vent, the mouse didn’t stand a chance!


Bobby should always wear antlers.  Sigh.  He’s just so dang cute!


We got a couple of good snowfalls in December.  After one of them, the two littlest and I went to a friend’s house and they had fun playing with their friends and a sled!


My friend had a baby girl and she has the cutest cheeks and she needed a Cabbage Patch Doll hat … so I made one.  Bobby had to be my model!


I’m in two different book clubs and one of them met in a restaurant in December.  We were short a few members, but these three ladies made me laugh and laugh and raised me up from a sad place that I’d been hanging after a negative incident.  I’m blessed with the best friends!


The city where my dad is buried does a luminary display each Christmas at the cemetery.  Volunteers light and place all the candles by each headstone.  It was beautiful and peaceful.  Miss you, Dad!


Sometimes when it is super cold outside, that sunshine just feels so good coming in the door that you must lay in it if you are a boy … or a cat!


Bobby really loved those Christmas Little People toys.   Here is Santa flying his sleigh …



There you go.