This month’s “Things I Heard”

From Bobby to the cat while holding a toy tool:  “Here kitty!  Here kitty!  Change your tire!”


From Tommy after showing him a picture of Kevin as a little boy:  “Oh!  So you shave off his hair!”


Tommy:  “Are we having chicken noodle soup?

Me:  “No. Ramen noodles.”

Tommy:  “Ahh!  Rotten noodles!”


Bobby counting:  “2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10”


From Kevin as Bobby is following him around making fake barfing sounds:  “You’re not barfing!  Stop making that sound!”


From Bobby after I sat him on the toilet and told him to make the water come:  “Wah-er!  Come!  Wah-er!  Wah-er!  Come!”


From Tommy who is using the bathroom and Bobby won’t leave him alone:  “Bobby!  Just give me some silence!  I’m angry because you aren’t giving me quiet!  Just give me 5 minutes!”


Tommy spit out his water after taking a drink during dinner and Kevin asked him if he exploded.  Tommy said, “No!  I laughed because you said groundhogs were animals!  hahahahahaha”

Rusty then said, “They ARE animals!”

Tommy responded, “Nahooooooooo!” (more laughing)

When I asked Tommy what groundhogs are, he said, “They are like people!”


Bobby while pointing at my chin:  “Mum owie!”

Me:  “No, that’s just hairs, son.”

Bobby while trying to pull the offensive hairs:  “Mum!  Hair off!”

Me:  Sigh.


There you go.