Mother’s Day and Tommy’s Birthday

Tommy’s birthday fell on Mother’s Day this year, so we spread his celebrating out over several days.  We did his birthday cake on Saturday night.  Green frosting and lots of sprinkles!


Mother’s Day isn’t my favorite holiday.


I love my boys.  I love my own mom.


But as far as holidays go … eh.


We did invite all of my family over for dinner.  Here is Bobby playing with my nephew’s daughter Audrey.  He’s never quite sure what to do with her – I think it is the pink that throws him off!


Here is my mom with her three great-grandbabies!


Sonny and Melissa came to see us.  He’s learned how to get around-that’s when the fun really starts!


Once we finished celebrating moms, Tommy got to open his presents.  Bobby immediately assumed they were all his presents, too.  I did my best to at least let Tommy open them before Bobby started grabbing!


At least they were patient with each other.  I love their love!


And when Tommy would go to give a thank you hug, Bobby was right there saying thank you as well!  At least he had gratitude to go with his greed!


Melissa makes a cute mommy!


I’m not sure how this kid turned 6!  Seriously.


Tommy is super sweet.  He likes hugs and snuggles and wants to do things with me all the time.  He loves projects, especially art projects.  Scissors and tape are his favorite things and he usually has a notebook and pencil in his hand.  He refuses to believe that he isn’t as capable as his big brothers at doing things – he will climb, ride, jump off of anything they do.  He embraces his youngerness when it comes to chores and keeping his room clean though.  There must be a balance!  He will eat most anything and water is by far his favorite thing to drink.


I love his spunk.  He is quick to smile and such a fun addition to our family!  Happy 6th birthday, Tommy!