Rusty’s Birthday and Baptism

I still picture him as being my chubby cheeked 3 year old, but my Rusty turned 8!


This year we are making a point to take the boys to a restaurant to celebrate their birthday.  Rusty chose Pizza Pie Cafe.


Grandmama joined us and the boys ate to their heart’s content.  Ricky and Kevin were often distracted by the boxing matches on the tv at the restaurant…


This little man likes his pepperoni!


I love this birthday boy!


After dinner, we opened some presents and gave some hugs …


And the ever popular birthday cake and candles!  (I’m guessing this picture was taken right after I took the candles out of the cake and before I started cutting it …)


Rusty is all about the details!  He remembers facts about dinosaurs, fossils, rocks, animals…


He loves a good instruction manual and a list of tasks that need to be accomplished.  He’s our peacemaker and rarely gets upset.  He might seem shy, but he can talk your ear off about anything from dinosaurs to Minecraft to Pokemon to Magic School Bus.  He likes to make melted cheese and pepperoni sandwiches (american cheese and microwave melted, please).   He says Kit Kats are his favorite candy bar.  I often find him reading his scriptures or studying some manual!


We sure love Rusty!

And along with turning 8, Rusty chose to be baptized!


He was baptized by Kevin on February 4 and is now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


He had Ricky give a talk about the Holy Ghost and me give one about baptism.  He asked his Uncle Tony to lead the music (a new thing for him) and Aunt Suzy to play the piano (she loved it).  Uncle John and Uncle Marc were witnesses to the baptism.  It was a really nice meeting and just sweet!


It didn’t start so smoothly though.  Rusty’s baptism was supposed to be at 11 am and we were going to come back to our house for Rusty’s meal of choice … French Toast, sausage, and hash browns.  We’d cleaned up half the garage for extra seating and the boys put nice messages on my chalkboard signs for the visitors to see …


However, there always seems to be a phone call.  This one came just as we were loading all the boys into the car to head to the church.  No one had filled the baptism font.  It would take 1 1/2 to 2 hours to fill.  Sigh.  I began sending messages and making calls to let people know that the baptism was postponed until 12:30 and to come to our house for brunch first.  Because of Rusty’s food choice, it worked out fine.  I had everything all ready and we had a nice time visiting and eating.  It wasn’t worth stressing over, but it would have been easy to!


All in all, it was a delightful day to celebrate Rusty and focus on him.  He needs to be the spotlight every now and then!