Weekend of July 4

We started our holiday weekend by going to cousin Ella’s baptism.  I was asked to give the talk on baptism.  img_7934

Bobby was cute during the musical number.  He was laying on the floor playing with cars when Cambrie and a friend started singing “Gethsemane.”  It was a new song to me, but not to Bobby!  He just started singing right along.  And NOT quietly!  I started to try to shush him, but then just let him go.  We were all family and it was dang cute!  I guess they learned that song in Primary


One of Rusty’s scout leaders has this pet snake.  Rusty held it.  She sent me a picture.  It still makes me cringe!  Bleh.


A little Sunday evening volleyball in the backyard!


As per tradition, we went to West Point to watch the parade with Grandmama.  It is a good little parade!


Bobby loved the sirens on the firetrucks!  He actually loved the whole thing!


I liked the fly-by from the F-35s.   It has always been F-16s, but they were retired so we got the new jets this year!

Isn’t he cute?


After the parade and a little bit of festivities at the park, we went to Lagoon-A-Beach for the afternoon.  Water slides, lazy river, and snacks.  It was an excellent way to spend our holiday!


And no serious sunburns either!


That evening we met up with our friends for the neighborhood fireworks.  While we waited for it to get dark, there were pop-its and sparklers for the kidlets….


The “big boys” were busy organizing their toys.


I’m not sure why fireworks are a way to celebrate our country and our freedom, but it sure is a fun thing to do!