We started the holiday my favorite way – with mom at the West Point parade! I so love this tradition and my pictures of the boys on the curb! My family came over for a lunch bbq and Uncle John helped with a puzzle. We joined the Bucks for dinner, atv rides (notice the before and during pictures with Becca & Bonnie), and fireworks fun! We provided the hundreds of pop-its.My Ricky turned 14! He is an awesome kid with a sharp wit and a soft heart! We went to Pizza Pie Cafe for dinner where he could eat his teenage heart out. I got lucky to be chosen to be his mom.Friend un-birthday party at the Bucks. Swimming, laughing, splashing, and a dollar gift exchange. * Pioneer Day means horse statues in Ogden. * Summer piano camp for Rusty & Tommy.We try to take family field trips in the summer to see new things. One of those trips led us to the little zoo in Logan. We’d been told there was a sloth there but an albino porcupine was as close as we got. The petting zoo area was a big hit though! * While in Logan, we ate at the Bluebird Cafe with Grandmama. Another day we tried Big Jim’s burgers with Kevin. * While Ricky & Billy were doing theater camp, the three littles and I enjoyed a nice walk around the Ogden Temple. Yet another year of our bike parade at Bingham Park. We get together with our friends, decorate bikes and scooters, and ride around the bike trail. * A total impulse buy – this peacock pool was on clearance and I love it! * Ricky was ordained to be a Teacher in our church. His dad performed the ordination. He’s a good kid!The Treehouse Museum did their first camp for older kids and Ricky & Billy were ready for it! It focused on Shakespeare and they learned a condensed version of “The Tempest.” These two have been doing theater camps here for so long and I love seeing them on stage together! Ricky played the monster Caliban and Billy was the love sick Prince Ferdinand. It will most likely be their last camp at the Treehouse which makes me a bit sad. They have learned so much there about stage presence and have gained confidence in their ability to make believe.Mom turned 76 and we had a family dinner for her. All her kids and grandkids showing Mom some love. And Suzy and I misbehaving. 🙂Kevin & Ricky were at Scout Camp so we had our 2nd annual Adventure Week. A new adventure every day! We checked out the Ogden Dinosaur Park and the Train Museum at Union Station. We also went to the library and got books.Another Adventure Week activity was riding the FrontRunner train to Salt Lake with the Bucks. We ate a picnic at the Gateway and then walked over to Clark Planetarium.More Adventure Week! This time we went to Williard Bay with the Bucks. There was some kayaking, tubing, digging, body surfing, and lots of sun!One final adventure of Adventure Week took us to the Hill Air Force Base Museum with the Bucks. Planes, planes, and more planes. After our fill of planes, we went back to the Buck’s for sno-cones.Lots of camping for Kevin and Ricky in July! First, they backpacked several miles in to Lake Hessie in the Uintas for the Teachers Quorum adventure. There Ricky caught his first ever fish! Then they spent a week at Bear Lake Aquatic Base for Scout Camp. Their final camp out included Billy and Uncle Tony. They backpacked up near Causey Reservoir. They definitely got their adventure on!