Tomato Days fun! The parade, booths, games, fishing, dog races… it’s a fabulous day! Ricky & Billy volunteered at the kids’ games for a couple of hours in the afternoon as well. A two thumbs up day!Bobby turned 5!! This Batman & LEGO loving boy is my brown-eyed delight! He’s determined but will concede and let me hug him & kiss him & call him George … then he wipes my kisses off with a giggle!Scout-o-Rama!! Kevin took Ricky & Billy to spend the night and the rest of us joined them the next day. It was at the Davis County Fairgrounds. Activities from BMX bikes to rocket launching to making edible caterpillars!Back to School brought this sweet boy a nasty cold. He coughed for hours and finally collapsed in sleep upright! * Inadvertently twinning! Rusty & Bobby in gray and red! * Bobby insisted on getting the cats this carrot toy. It was specifically for Hunter but here is Maggie giving it some love!Camping at Box Elder Campground in Mantua with the Bucks and Farnsworths. We shared a group site and it was practically perfect!We did dinner out with the Johnsons, Murrays, and Griffeths. Thai food and then ice cream! It was partly to celebrate Shelly’s birthday and partly to bid Josh farewell since his moving to Oregon.Dinner and visiting at Marc & Cindy’s house in Eagle Mountain. David & Amber were in town with their kids and Daniel came over from BYU. A house full of bodies & love.Murder aboard the Titanic!! We hosted a murder mystery dinner for Kevin’s birthday with the Bucks, Drapers, and Farnsworths. So much good food, great company, and much laughter.Primary Program 2018 * Billy, age 11 (it was his last one) * Rusty, age 9 * Tommy, age 8 * Bobby, age 5