We recently introduced Ricky to the book “Go, Dog, Go” by P.D. Eastman. It is a beginning reader book that I fondly remember from my own childhood and he loves that he can read most of the words all by himself (the few words he can’t actually read, he has memorized and tells the story to himself anyway). As part of the late afternoon craziness around here, the boys have taken to racing around the island in the kitchen. It keeps them occupied while I’m fixing dinner and sometimes the cats even join in! Today, the race was on with an added flair–pumpkin face balloons! The boys got the balloons at the grocery store this morning and they came with clips on the end of the strings, so, naturally, Billy’s was clipped to his bib (he is still drooling–but three of his 4 canine teeth have finally broken through) and Ricky’s to the back of his pants. Then they ran, around and around and around and around, and both boys chanted “Go, dog, go! Go, dog, go!” as they ran. It was loud, but cuteness often makes me forget the volume.
Kevin unloaded the pictures from his cell phone today. He doesn’t take very many with it, so he doesn’t unload it very often. Some of the pictures date back to last Christmas! Here are a few of my favorites:
Billy enjoying the Rock Band drums a couple of weeks ago.
Here are the boys sharing a cot on our vacation in Washington this summer.
The view of Puget Sound from the vacation house this summer.
We have our Stake Conferences at the Tabernacle next to the Ogden Temple. This is a picture of Billy by the temple fountain last June.
And Ricky and his train, sometime last winter/spring.