Now, getting back to October.
I really like Halloween and our town does a fun evening event to celebrate. People or organizations can do a display and there is cocoa and this year they added a straw slide and a movie playing. It’s just kind of fun. It is called the Hooper Haunt. PTA did a display that I helped with.
I had each of the boys’ classes do a project that we used in the display – Rusty’s class colored dangling snakes, Billy’s class painted jar luminaries, and Tommy’s class painted pumpkins.
To keep the boys engaged while watching General Conference talks, we have them sketch the speaker and write a few words about what they hear. Sometimes those pictures crack me up (and make me a little scared of our church leaders! ha!).
The boys just love this big orange cat! Ricky carries him around (even though the cat hates it) and Bobby won’t leave the cat alone either! He lays his head on him, grabs him, pets him, and even tries to sit on him. Hunter had better live a long long time!
During our Fall Break from school, the boys and I took on a little project. It was called “Clean the Toy Room.” I’d been pre-occupied a few days and it reached serious hazard level!
Instead of just cleaning, we pulled everything out. We sorted every bin and bucket and put like things back together. There was a lot of chaos in the cleaning process.
Enough chaos that we met Kevin for lunch because the kitchen and dining room were our sorting area! The boys may not really have liked the cleaning part, but they enjoyed the having to eat out part a lot!
By dinnertime, we were done. It looked lovely. It was easy to find everything and they actually wanted to PLAY in there! Sigh. If only it could always be that clean.
During the process, I just kept tossing all the socks I found out the door. The pile by the end amounted to 26 socks. Not a pair in the bunch. Where are all the mates? I’m still not sure!
Bobby especially liked that all the cars were now organized. Of course, after he finished laying them all out by size, they never quite got back to how they were before, but he had fun.
Rusty so loved Bobby when he was a baby. He couldn’t get enough of him. It makes me happy when I see them playing together still.
I had Bobby try on his costume for Halloween. He wanted to be a puppy. I just didn’t know that he wanted to be a BLUE puppy. Hence, the cranky face.
Billy, Rusty, and Tommy are all taking piano from Mrs. Malone. She teaches great things and I’m looking forward to seeing their progress. In October, they had a Costume Recital. Billy is Harry Potter, Rusty is his friend Ron, and Tommy is their teacher Hagrid. He was so fun to watch in that wig! The beard didn’t last, but I made him keep the wig on. Tommy kept flipping the long hair over his shoulder or smoothing it off his face – it was adorable and cracked me up all at once!
They all played well and Rusty and Tommy did a great job – especially since they had only been taking lessons 2 months!
The drama department at the junior high put on a play and Ricky really wanted to go, so we had ourselves a date night. It was really well done and it made Ricky even more excited to take theater next semester!