Leaf Jumping and Stuff

Our annual leaf jumping event …


I swear our trees just suddenly decide to drop all their leaves at once!


I now have pretty good workers though to help with the task.  They know that a bit of raking, a bit of jumping, a bit of bagging all go hand in hand.


Although, Ricky pointed out that it is more fun when the leaves aren’t wet.


We bagged some but most of the leaves were put in our trailer and taken to our friend’s garden.  The boys thought that was particularly motivating because we let them ride in the leaves in the trailer to our friend’s garden!  It is only a few houses away, but anytime you can ride in an open trailer … it’s a good time!


I think we got 13 bags filled in just 40 minutes on this day!  They are good workers!


Sometimes we amaze ourselves with our amazing parenting.  But most days we are just hanging on by our fingertips!


Bobby isn’t a fan of hair cuts.  Because of that, I let his hair get too long in between.  He’s mostly stopped crying during hair cuts now and just gives this face.


I have some decorations that are toys.  It keeps the kids out of the real decorations, I’ve found.  Apparently our Thanksgiving feast guests needed shiny rides to get them to the event!


I arranged to have the military academy perform for the elementary school for Veteran’s Day.  They did a really moving USO show with music from all the war eras.  It was really neat!


Batman … Superman …Batman … Superman.  Let’s just put them both on then we don’t have a problem anymore.


This paragraph in Rusty’s reader kind of bugged me.  It made for a quick, but good conversation about how we believe that having children is a good thing.  Sigh.  Political agendas disguised as children’s readers make me so happy!  Or maybe not.


There you go.