Picture my Gratitude

I asked Ricky what Thanksgiving means to him and what he’s thankful for and this was his answer:   Thanksgiving means to me that the pilgrims came to America and got food from the Indians.  All the things I tell you I’m thankful for you are going to want to put on here! (think I blog too much?)

Then I asked Billy a couple of questions.

“Billy, what does Thanksgiving mean?”  Celebrate.

“Celebrate what?”  Food.

“What are you thankful for?”  Roof.  Lamp.  And a big hallway with two bathrooms.

There you go.

Now I’m going to break my own cardinal rule and blog about myself.  Here are a few of the many things for which I am thankful this Thanksgiving 2010:

holidays to celebrate
furry, loving pets
roller coasters and Kevin’s willingness
family vacations and little boy giggles
living in a modern world
guilty pleasures
good and crazy friends
Kevin's family
tiny fingers and toes
my siblings and 1970s photo shoots
my mom and dad
July 9, 2004
February 21, 2007
February 2, 2009
May 8, 2010
this guy
keeping them all forever