One of the must do’s each summer is swim lessons. Unless we do evening classes before summer … but I digress.

Swim lessons.

All four boys having lessons at the same time at the same pool was heavenly this summer. Just heavenly.

They had good teachers who worked with them and they all made great progress.

Ricky was the most fun to watch. He is currently in the most difficult level to pass and had the most difficult teacher to please (she expects perfection). But he never gave up. I loved watching him go and go. He wasn’t the fastest, but he didn’t stop. I actually teared up a few times. I’m not a swimmer but it was fun to see that he had some strokes that he did better than others.

The three younger ones passed their classes (Billy passed Level 2; Rusty passed Preschool B; and Tommy passed Preschool A) and Ricky gets to try Level 4 again. We’re okay with that.