Ricky & Billy

I think Ricky has caught on that Billy is here to stay. He was very impatient with me for not playing with him yesterday because I was busy feeding the baby. For the most part, though, Ricky seems to like his “baby brudder” (the brother is new today–until then, Billy has just been the baby).

Yesterday the three of us took advantage of the warm weather (it warmed up all the way to 60!) and went for a walk. Ricky absolutely loves riding in the wagon, so he rode there and I strapped Billy to my chest in a carrier and away we went. We only had to stop once to pick up rocks!

Saturday we had a photographer come over to take some shots of Billy. She was awesome and did some of Ricky, too. Of course, Ricky was in a mood and wouldn’t smile but just stared at the camera, but she still got some great shots. Here are two of my favorites:

