More Ricky-isms

Just thought I would record a few of Ricky’s more memorable sayings. We whistle for our dogs when we want them to come and Ricky has apparently picked this up. One day this week while he was in his room for nap/quiet time, I suddenly heard, “Momma, whoo-whoop! Momma, whoo-whoop! Come ‘ere, Momma!” While trying to contain my laughing fit, I was amazed that he thought whistling for me would make me come faster. One we hear all too often is an adamant, “Stop!” always accompanied by his little hand sticking out like he is stopping traffic. Billy comes out much more like “Boy-lly” and apparently helping Billy when he is fussy is no longer a fun thing to do. Now Ricky tells me “Oh-oh, baby crying” and while still sitting there playing, with no intention of moving, Ricky will say “Just a minute, Boy-lly. Just a minute.  It’s okay, Boy-lly.  It’s okay.”