Funny sayings

Ricky keeps us on our toes with his words.   He is a copy cat, so we have to watch what we say.

“Scoops do that” is what Ricky says whenever we see a big pile of dirt or most any construction.  We have so much construction going on with Hooper’s conversion from septic tanks to sewer lines, that he sees backhoes and other diggers all the time.

“Boy-lly awake” is what he says whenever Billy is awake from a nap . . . or what he says when he thinks Billy should be woken up from a nap.  It is not one of my favorite things to hear!   Yesterday as we were driving, we got a blink by blink replay of what Billy was doing.  “Boy-lly awake.  Boy-lly asleep.  Boy-lly awake.  Boy-lly asleep.  Eyes open.  Eyes closed.”  Yeah, Billy wasn’t sleeping, just blinking.

“What” is what Ricky says when he either doesn’t hear what you’ve said or when he doesn’t understand what you’ve just said or what he says when he doesn’t like what you just said.  For instance, “Ricky, it is time to turn the tv off.”  What.  “Ricky, do you need to use the potty?”  What.  “Ricky, stop pulling the plants out of the fish tank.”  What.

And, today at church, it was time to sing a hymn and Kevin asked Ricky if he wanted to sing a song.  Ricky said yes and as soon as the organ started playing, he started belting out the alphabet at the top of his lungs.  Kevin thinks Ricky was following the harmony, I wouldn’t know, I was trying not to laugh louder than Ricky was singing.

(Billy is getting close to rolling over, but hasn’t quite gotten it yet.  He was great at church today and got a lot of compliments from people.  He was wearing little crocheted sandals that are a tiny bit too small, so his big toe sticks out.  The gentleman in the pew behind us must have been really bothered by that because about halfway through the meeting he reached up and tried to tuck the toe back inside.  It didn’t work!)