Our Californa Trip, Part 1

We had a great vacation this last weekend. We spent a few days with Kevin’s fam in Riverside, California and then a couple with my Aunt Nancy in Bellflower. It wasn’t a very long trip, but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

We got away later than we planned Thursday evening (will the conversion from septic to sewer never end!) but still made it to St.George for the night. As we got into our room, Ricky was sawing logs and Billy was wide awake–a bummer because it was 2 am and Kevin and I were exhausted.



We got to Kevin’s folks Friday afternoon and it wasn’t long before Ricky just had to be in their pool. The kid is a water addict! He played and splashed until he was turning purple and even then we had to drag him away. I guess he inherited Kevin’s love of water.




Other highlights from this leg of our trip include going to the Redlands Temple with Kevin’s mom (my 17th to date and Kevin’s 18th), a 5 hour RISK Game (from which I abstained), and lots of family time.

Ricky here with Aunt Sheri, Aunt Wendi, and Grandpa respectively.



The way Ricky says grandpa sounds like “Paw Paw” and is just too cute.


Ricky loved playing with his cousins. He and Grant, who is just a year older, played together the most.


We had the chance to meet Cambrie–the first granddaughter for the Pendletons. She was born on May 9, so she is just 2 1/2 months younger than Billy. Here are the two babies together–the other Cindy has been cropped out, as per her request 🙂


Billy was such a good baby with all those different people holding him (at the moment, he’s sucking his thumb which I find so sweet). Kevin is playing Patty Cake trying to get him to laugh in this picture.


Ricky enjoys playing by himself. At home he often goes into another room for some alone time and he did the same at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. He wandered off to play cars or just climb into Billy’s car seat or play the piano. Ricky just likes some time to himself.



We all had a great time “hanging” at Grandma and Grandpa’s.
