My boys!

When I mentioned the Ricky-isms from last Sunday, I forgot one thing. Ricky was sitting on the floor playing and singing to himself (a common occurrence) and I recognized the tune as “Oh, my darlin’, Clementine” but those weren’t his words. He was singing, “Uncle Tim, Uncle Tim, Uncle Tim.” It wasn’t the first time he’s changed words, but I love that we can totally tell what he is singing no matter what the words (it is nice when a 3 year old can carry a tune).

Right now our 3 year old has Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease (not to be confused with hoof and mouth disease common in livestock). It is just a virus that lasts about a week and his only symptoms are mouth sores which makes a picky eater, even more picky!

I’ve mentioned Ricky’s love of pretending before. Tonight he was a cat again at dinnertime and when we asked him to say the blessing, he started meowing it. The best part was that his meows perfectly mimicked his regular prayer and rhythm and intonation. He likes pretending to be a dog, too. When we play fetch with the dogs, Ricky chases after the ball with them, sometimes on his hands and knees. Here he is “sitting” with the dogs:


This is a brush we use on the dogs and this picture was so not planned, but turned out cool.


Grandmama had surgery last week and the boys had fun visiting her in the hospital. They thought the bed was comfy.


Once Grandmama came home, we stayed with her a lot. Ricky and Duchess played Ring-Around-the-Rosie around her ottoman A LOT! Around and around and around, each time crawling under Grandmama’s leg, and Ricky giggling the whole time.


Billy is such a fun baby. He smiles and gets excited when he sees someone he knows (especially me!). And he just adores Ricky. One day he started fussing and I realized that it was because Ricky moved and Billy could no longer see him–once I moved him back to where he could see his brother, Billy was just fine again.






I was thankful to Duchess for checking Billy’s diaper for me here.


Ricky loves cats. This is Spot. I’m not sure why she doesn’t run from him, but she allows him to pick her up and drag her around. She is 12 pounds and totally limp, so I’m not sure how Ricky manages.

spot-1.jpg spot-2.jpg


I was taking the pictures of Billy in his towel while Ricky was in the tub and he wanted me to take some of him, too. The green bathtub is at Grandmama’s house and he was being awfully cute.




One morning Ricky was still quite sleepy when he woke up and when we went to visit the potty, he instead chose to lay down on the rug.  The camera was still there from the tub pictures so I snapped this one.  When Ricky gets sleepy, he lays down and tells us, “Ricky tired.”
