"Last one, Momma. Last one."

What does Ricky say when he is swiping his third bag of fruit snacks from the cupboard?  “Last snack, Momma.  Last one.”

What does Ricky say when he wants to watch a movie?  “Momma, watch oobie?  Watch good oobie, Momma?” (Oobie=movie)

What does Ricky say when he doesn’t want to use the potty/carry his toys to his room/anything else?  “Ricky tired, Momma.  I tired.”

What does Ricky say every time he flips a light switch now?  “Power on.”  (We had a 9 hour power outage the other night and he had to go around the house trying every switch and button and tell us “Power broken.”)

What does Ricky say if he can’t reach something/something is too heavy/he gets stuck under the ottoman (again)?  “I too big, Momma.  Too big.”

What does Ricky say when we open the garage door and get startled by a lady who was on her way to our front door?  “I sorry–Ricky scared.  Scary lady.” (why he apologizes when someone should apologize to him we have yet to understand)

What does Ricky say when he can’t see me or he can see me?  “Momma, what’re you doing, Momma?”

What does Ricky say when we are driving in our van and he wants to go back to where we were or look at something on the side of the road?  “Stop Fillmore, Momma.  Stop Fillmore.”  (Fillmore is the name of the VW bus in the movie Cars)