Belly Laughs

Billy is addicted to his pacifier and I’m obsessed with not losing his pacifiers. (Just an FYI, a pacifier has yet to be truly lost in our household–eaten by a dog, yes; lost, no). Yesterday, though, I was baffled. I knew that Billy had been sucking on his pacifier and then he wasn’t. I looked around, Kevin had recently changed him, so I checked out the bathroom, under toys, anywhere Billy had been, I looked. Nothing. I was quite sad at the thought that we had finally lost a pacifier and in our own home no less. Three hours later, Billy was playing on the floor and I went over to pick him up. As I lifted him up, out fell the missing pacifier from his pant leg! Now we’d been all over since that thing went missing–napping, playing, rolling–yet, it had remained tucked somewhere inside those overalls. I had even patted him down when it first disappeared because he has been known to stash things in there and I hadn’t felt it!

Last Sunday, Ricky was wearing his adorable argyle socks. We were at Grandmama’s and one came off. At some point, I remember tossing the sock to him and telling him to put the sock on his foot. That is all the more attention I paid to that sock until it came time to go home. I noticed he was still only wearing one sock, so we began the sock hunt. We asked Ricky where it was and he couldn’t answer, so we looked everywhere. It was a little frustrating, but we’ve lost socks at Grandmama’s before, so it wasn’t anything new and they always turn up. We went home and began our bedtime ritual. Kevin took Ricky to his room to change into his pjs while I got Billy ready in the bathroom. I hear Kevin laugh and call out, “I found the missing sock.” Apparently, Ricky was more obedient than I had given him credit for . . . he’d put that sock on all right, right on top of the other one! Two socks on one foot–silly kid!

Billy loves to clap, especially when you say “Yea!” He just grins and claps those hands together.