Sleepless Nights

I don’t know if it is because they miss their father or if Billy’s teething (I swear those top teeth will never break through) or growth spurts or what, but I do not have good sleepers this week.  Tuesday night, Billy was up every 2 hours and Ricky was up twice.  So, since we were all a bit tired, yesterday was interesting.  To top it off, neither boy took a good afternoon nap.  We went over to Grandmama’s for dinner and Ricky was singing along with the cd of Primary songs that I had playing.  Mom wasn’t home yet, but I let Ricky in and went back to get Billy, telling Ricky to take off his shoes and jacket.  By the time I got back into the house, Ricky looked like this . . . ricky-sleeping.jpg

So Ricky took a little nap before dinner.  There was a not so little drool puddle on the arm of the chair when I woke him up!  And while he slept, Billy played nicely in his play pen, creating a not little drool puddle on his shirt!


FYI, last night was a little better . . . after Billy woke up at 11:45 and screamed for an hour, he slept much better.  I miss having a tag team partner at times like that.

1 thought on “Sleepless Nights

  1. mreeder

    Your boys are adorable – and you get some great pictures. It’s been a while since I dropped in. Hello to Grandmama, Kevin, Billy, Ricky, and you.
    🙂 I feel like I’ve just caught up a bit.

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