"Ahhh, I'm four!"

This morning I informed Ricky that it was July 9th and he thought for just a second before gasping and saying, “Ahh, I’m four!” He was very concerned all day that he didn’t see his birthday. I guess since I didn’t have balloons up or his cake out or his presents around he was bothered. I put up a banner before dinner and I guess I’ll have to get balloons for our family dinner on Sunday!

Ricky had a good birthday. We had a playgroup this morning and then Aunt Suzy took him to get some birthday fish (our fish tank was looking pretty bare). Grandmama got him a Happy Meal for lunch and after his nap time, we went out and splashed around in the backyard pool. Then it was time for dinner and we had pizza (Ricky takes after Kevin and never refuses some good pizza). When it was time for the cake, I turned off the ceiling fan so it wouldn’t put out his candles, then I lit the candles and we started singing (Grandmama was here with us).  Ricky said, “STOP!” He was concerned that the fan had not completely stopped turning and he did not want his candles to be put out! We finally got to sing the whole song to him and before we finished he had already blown the candles out! As soon as I set that cake down, he was blowing–it took him two tries to get them all out.

(That picture looks blurry because of the smoke from the candles)

Either the ice cream is too cold or we have some serious attitude ahead of us!!

There is the smile I expect!

Billy loves dessert . . .

After cake, we opened presents. Ricky got some racing cars from Aunt Wendi and Aunt Sheri and some different racing cars from Grandmama. From us, he got a Bat Cave, complete with Batman and Robin and a Joker. Grandmama called it a boys’ doll house and Ricky loved it! More than an hour after getting it out of the packaging, Kevin has finally pulled him away to get ready for bed.

It is fun to see him growing up and learning every day. He’s grown up so much, and as my brother says, in just 14 years he’ll be graduating high school!!

July 2004

July 2005

July 2006

July 2007