While the parents are away, the boys will play

My sister-in-law Cathy passed along these great pictures of our kids playing.  They came up one day while Kevin and I were out of town last weekend.  The boys just adore their cousins, Danny and Cate.

Cathy said that Ricky was really sweet with Cate.

I guess this is a picture of “kissin’ cousins”

Billy loves slides and braves them all by himself.  It makes me nervous at the park, but this one at my mom’s is fairly safe!

And no trip to the backyard is complete without a swing ride!

One story about Ricky that my mom shared was that one afternoon he had gone into the bathroom to “clean up”and was gone a long time.  When she went to check on him, he wasn’t washing his hands, he was using hand soap and a lot of tissues to wash the bathroom counter!!  Ricky’s response?  “Don’t worry, Grandma.  I can throw the tissues away!”