Talking about Death

Inquisitive Ricky has been asking me about my dad lately, so I took him to the cemetery one day last week to show him where Dad is buried.  This spurred a wide range of questions and I’m doing my best to answer them.  Part of the conversations have dealt with trying to be good and nice so that we can live with Heavenly Father and our family in Heaven again–but not until we are old, old grandpas (we had to establish that because Ricky started getting teary about dying soon and leaving us–talk about tugging at your heart strings).

So with all of this on his little mind, he woke up from his nap today crying.  I tried calming him down and figuring out what was wrong only to find that he was afraid that in Heaven he wouldn’t see Max and Penny and Taysen and Tyzek (his twin friends).   We talked and he settled down a bit and snuggled on my lap.  Then he asked, as only Ricky can, “Momma, how do you get to heaven?  Dead people can’t drive!”  So we decided that Heavenly Father sends a bus and if Max and Penny (keep in mind these are his favorite stuffed animals) are really nice and good, Heavenly Father will send a little bus for them, too.