The cowboys, their indian, and their cow

I LOVE Halloween!  I have since I was a kid and I’m doing my darnedest to pass that love on to my boys.  Kevin is an excellent sport and goes along with whatever (how did I get so lucky?).   This year I didn’t feel like making new costumes for Kevin and I, so I went with what we already had–cowboy and indian garb.  That meant I just needed stuff for the boys.  Ricky was all set to be a cowboy (complete with boots) and, since Billy has no say, I decided to take advantage and dress him up in something fun.  And that is how he became our cow.

In preparation for the big day, we decorated cookies, learned Halloween songs, and even had special Halloween toys.  One is a little house that plays Halloween music and lights up.  When you ring the doorbell, it says “trick or treat.”  Billy became an excellent little trick-or-treater thanks to this toy.  Here he is holding one of the pieces that came with it.

I was able to help out with Ricky’s preschool Halloween party on Thursday.  Billy got to come too.  They played a lot of fun games, including this one where you build a face on your pumpkin using different shapes.  Billy thought preschool was great, but he showed off his skills a little too well!  During the pumpkin face making (pictured below), Billy would gather up all the shapes and pile them onto his pumpkin–stealing them from other children’s pumpkins!  Even more fun was during a game of BINGO when Cheerios were being used as the markers.  Billy ate all of his and then waited for the other children to turn their heads and then he would steal theirs–right off their boards!  Fortunately, the kids didn’t seem to mind (or even really notice) since I was busy helping and not really able to thwart his theivery! (Ricky is the cowboy whose backside you can see)

The preschool kids did a little parade up and down the street to show off their costumes.  I didn’t get a very good picture since I was the tail end of the line, but you can see Ricky in this one.

The last activity the kids did was bobbing for apples.  Billy, ever patient, went straight for the bag of apples and took his without ever going near the water.  Ricky was the last child to take his turn and learned from their mistakes–he put his face in the bucket, but used his hands to put the apple in his mouth!

We had fun playing around with my grandpa’s hat (what Kevin used for his costume).  The boys enjoy any hat!

The last time we wore these costumes was Ricky’s first Halloween (2004).  Here he is in the same hat back then.

Halloween morning we visited Kevin at work where the boys did the first of their trick or treating.

And the rest are just some attempts to get a good shot of them in their costumes.  Ricky thought his star was the best part of his costume.

Billy likes his candy–M&Ms are his favorites, but he’ll take anything we give him!

Happy cows don’t just come from California!