Year: 2009

Christmas 2009

We had just the best Christmas at our house.  The big boys loved their gifts and shared nicely (most of the day, anyway) and Rusty … well, Rusty was just as cute as always. The boys waited as patiently as they could for it to be 7 am and for Grandmama to come so we […]

My 3 favorite things

It is a scrapbook page, so a bit hard to see online, but these are the boys’ favorite Christmas present pictures since we’ve had the boys!  We try to take them on Christmas night, although it looks like we missed a couple of years, so I snagged pictures from those Christmas mornings.

Billy-isms for Today

This morning Billy woke up before his allowed time to get up.  Kevin was helping Rusty, so I tried to keep Billy quiet by laying on my bed with him.  I kept telling him that he had to stay there until Poppy came back (knowing that Rusty would never go back to sleep if he […]

A few sad words

I was once told that the odd years were full of tears.  I’m beginning to believe it.  My poor Ricky struggles to control his emotions many days.  Tonight, he had a disagreement over a toy and started to cry.  When my mom asked him why he was crying, Ricky answered through a screwed up red […]

Family Christmas Party Favorites

Today we had our family Christmas party.   The boys were very excited about having company and as soon as people started showing up, they ran up and down the stairs screaming in delight.  The excitement did get to be too much for a tired Ricky, but in all it was a lot of fun. As […]