Year: 2009

Ricky says the darnedest things!

I’ve gotten very lazy about carrying my camera with me everywhere.  It was easy when I just kept it in my diaper bag, but I’m enjoying a few months of diaper-bag-freeness before #3 comes and my camera just gets forgotten.  Tonight I would have taken a picture of my boys with Uncle Tim.  It is […]

"Fwosty! Fwosty!"

I had to wake Billy up from his nap today.  This isn’t a habit I practice often.  I am much more of the school of thought where you let sleeping babes sleep, but it was 4:30 and he’d been asleep more than 3 hours.   So I quietly walked into the room, so as not to […]

The Pregnant Brain

I generally reserve this website to just stories of my boys, but this is one story of myself that I want #3 to remember.   Kevin is wonderful at carrying the laundry for me–we have a few too many stairs between the hamper and my washing machine and my bending abilities are diminishing.  The other morning, […]

Bad ears and cold temperatures

Our boys have both developed ear infections.  Why is it that there can be absolutely no symptoms of these and suddenly, BAM, red, puss filled eyes and nighttime crying?  It just makes me feel like a rotten mother sometimes!  Anyway, because of this, we’ve been keeping the boys inside.  Of course, temperatures ranging from 20s […]

Happy New Year!

What? Kevin’s posting to the blog? What’s going on here? It’s true, you can call it what you want – a new resolution, turning over a new leaf, or just spending more time on my family. It’s a new year, I have successfully sold off my side business (hence our new e-mail addresses and blog […]