Bad ears and cold temperatures

Our boys have both developed ear infections.  Why is it that there can be absolutely no symptoms of these and suddenly, BAM, red, puss filled eyes and nighttime crying?  It just makes me feel like a rotten mother sometimes!  Anyway, because of this, we’ve been keeping the boys inside.  Of course, temperatures ranging from 20s during the day to 0 at night haven’t really made me want to play outside with them either . . .  So when a package arrived filled with packing peanuts, we had the snowball fight the boys have been itching to have!



Billy liked the box, but barely fit.  That didn’t stop him from getting in though.


Now that Ricky knows a new baby brother is coming, the things that pop out of his mouth are very interesting.  Today at the grocery store, I had the boys in one of those carts with the double plastic seats by the handle.  Ricky was looking at the pictures on the regular cart child seat part (does that make sense?) and told me that that seat was for his new baby brother.   And, while his first choice of name for the baby was “Ricky,”  he’s now decided that it can’t have the same name as anyone in the family.  I’ll ask if the baby’s name is “Billy” and he’ll say, “No, Momma, we already have a Billy.”  It is a fun game, but I made the mistake yesterday of straying from the safe names–I asked if the new baby’s name was Harvey.   He thought for just a moment and said, “Yep.”  I tried finding other names, but he would just say, “No, that’s no it.  It is that one you said before,”  obviously not remember how to say Harvey.  It was touch and go for a while–I thought I was going to have to name the baby Harvey, but then Ricky remembered that he has a stuffed bunny named that, so it was no longer an option.  I wasn’t about to tell him that the stuffed bunny’s name is actually Heber . . .

Kevin pulled out the old electric train he inherited from his Grandpa VanBlankenstein for the boys during the Christmas holidays.  I’m not sure who had more fun with it, the boys or Kevin!


He was so proud of himself when Kevin taught him how to control the train.


Billy repeatedly said “train, train” every time the train circled around in front of him.


I love it when he lays on his tummy to watch trains go around.  It makes me think of a Norman Rockwell print (not this particular picture).


The giant Legos came out to make this really cool tunnel for the train.


Billy has learned how to jump.  He bounces like crazy in his crib where he can hold onto the side and go!  I don’t know how much more his mattress will take!   The other day he figured out how to jump off the bottom step of our staircase.  It was very cute to watch and he even included a countdown . . . “One, two, one” . . .


I think he was taking a break . . .


Grandmama was visiting and he wanted her to jump with him.  With her replaced knee, they were both at about the same skill level (love you, Mom!).



We saw Dan’s family on Sunday to celebrate Christmas with them–the weather finally cooperated.  Baby Cate is getting so big!  Oh, and Danny wasn’t too keen on having his picture taken.


Doesn’t Ricky have pretty eyes?
