What side of the bed do you wake up on?

I don’t claim to always wake up on the right side of the bed, but I do generally wake up awake!   It took Kevin and I some time to get used to each other in the mornings.  He isn’t exactly cranky, but he is easier to talk to after breakfast and a shower.  I often wake up talking and don’t stop until I’ve shared every dream, all the thoughts I had while awake in the middle of the night, and my list of t0-dos for the day.  If I hadn’t seen my beautiful niece (my dear Melissa) struggle to wake up in the morning, I would have thought all kids wake up like me.  In the past, I’ve posted about Ricky’s early morning bathroom serenades (and Billy is shaping up to be no different), but waking up from nap time is different.  About half the time, Ricky wakes up from naps just like he does in the morning–ready to go and do.  The other half, he comes down looking asleep and sits staring or he wants to snuggle or sometimes he even cries.

Today, the end of naps came and I heard, through the trusty baby monitor, that Billy was the first awake.  He was happily singing and talking and since I was finishing a project, I left him alone.  I figured he’d wake Ricky up soon enough and then my peace would be over.   It was about 30 minutes before Billy decided it was time to wake Ricky up.  “Icky!  Icky!  Icky!”  I was on my computer and I transcribed the following conversation.  I could hear Billy calling to Ricky and bouncing in his crib and then I heard Ricky say,

“Oh, please, Billy.  Don’t bo-ing!
Billy, lay down and go to bed.
Billy, I said stop bouncing on the bed.
I keep saying it and saying, but Billy keeps bouncing.
I said don’t do it.
Yes, you’re a goose.  YOU’RE A GOOSE!
I’m grumpy, Billy!  I’m grumpy now!”

At this point, I was laughing, but went to save Ricky who by now was so frustrated with Billy that he was crying.  Poor guy woke up hard from his nap today!