Month: March 2009

Rusty's Blessing Day

In our church, little babies receive a blessing and get their names listed on the church records, similar yet totally different than a christening.  Today was Rusty’s special day. The outfit is the same one we used for Ricky and Billy and that my mom used for my brother Dan (not quite 40 years ago).  […]

Ow ow ow-ow-ow!

. . . is the sound macaroni and cheese makes as it is being squished in Billy’s fingers! (At least that is the sound effect Billy made for them.) Aunt Wendi came to visit this week.  The boys have adored having her and her skills here — her story reading skills, her train track building […]

Got Croup?

We do.  Or at least Rusty does.  We’ve had a few rough nights but he seems to be getting better.  Still no smile on camera (little bugger fell asleep!) but here are some attempts: Today Rusty wore jeans for the first time!  Many days of his life are going to be spent in denim, but […]

Boogie Art

Billy is a budding artist.  His nose has been very runny this week and he has made me a beautiful mural on the wall by his bed!  I caught him in the act after naps one day this week.  Wipe, paint, wipe, paint.  If it didn’t disgust me so, I’d take a picture and frame […]

"The leprechauns know I'm in my pajamas!"

That was Ricky’s reasoning for why he couldn’t be pinched this morning for not wearing green! For dinner I made a leprechaun meal.  Ricky took one look at his plate, stuck out his tongue and made a horrible face!  Billy wasn’t too interested either. Rusty was bummed that he didn’t get any! Ever have one […]