Boogie Art

Billy is a budding artist.  His nose has been very runny this week and he has made me a beautiful mural on the wall by his bed!  I caught him in the act after naps one day this week.  Wipe, paint, wipe, paint.  If it didn’t disgust me so, I’d take a picture and frame his first masterpiece.  Ew, ew, ick!!

Last Sunday Ricky shared a scripture in Primary (church). We worked on it all week and he had that puppy memorized (it was all of 15 words).   Sunday came and he was sick, but I couldn’t deny him the pleasure of sharing what he’d worked on so much, so I took him just for the opening exercises of Primary.  His turn came and he stood up at the microphone.  The woman conducting started to prompt him (I sent him with the scripture written out–he could read it himself, but she didn’t know that or that he had it memorized), which threw him off a little bit.  Once he gave her a look of “I’ve got it,” Ricky rolled right through with no problems.  Kevin and I beamed from our seats at the back of the room!  His teachers were so proud of him and, as we found out today, his teacher from last year was so proud too.  After he shared his scripture, the lady conducting thanked him and said what a good job it was and Ricky looked right at his former teacher and gave her a great big wink!  She’s been chuckling about that with her family all week.

Have I mentioned how cute Rusty’s smiles are?  I’m still attempting to actually capture one on film.  Hopefully tomorrow!

One more tid bit.  Ricky had been warned to be nice to Billy or he would get grounded.  Ricky heard the term on a movie and so I’m taking advantage of it.  If there was a problem, he’d lose his tv priviledge for a day.  So, Thursday night, shortly after I left for a meeting there was a dispute over a toy and Ricky bit Billy.  Kevin handled the situation by letting Ricky know he was grounded from tv the next day and sending him immediately to bed.  Our usual bedtime routine includes milk and stories, but Ricky didn’t get those.  That isn’t the noteworthy part.  What was cute was Billy’s reaction.  He wants to do what Ricky does so much that he wanted to go to bed RIGHT NOW too.  Billy refused milk.  He refused stories.  Kevin had Ricky bedded down by 6:55 and Billy, who wasn’t in trouble at all, down by 7:00!