Rocket Boat?

Kevin has been playing astronaut with the boys the last few days.  Here they are looking for the next moon or planet to land on.


Kevin and Ricky kept talking about riding in their rocket ship and we couldn’t figure out why Billy kept saying “boat.”  Boats have nothing to do with space!  After about 15 times of him saying boat,I finally made the connection that he was hearing “ship” and the only ships he knows about are boats.  So here they are taking off in their boat:


If you happen to have a 2 year old who won’t drink milk from anything other than a bottle and is a fan of root beer, this may work for you . . . root beer flavored boxed milk.


It is still fairly cold here, but we had a sunny day last week and I was going to scream if I didn’t get out of the house, so we met Kevin at the park by his work around lunch time.  The boys’ cheeks were rosy and their fingers cold, but they did not want to stop going down those slides!




I occasionally use a pump so that I can have a supply of milk stored up for Rusty when I need to be away for a few hours.  Billy caught me the other day and called, “Poppy!!  Momma!” (meaning “Poppy, look at what Momma is doing?”)  Kevin asked just that, “What’s Momma doing?”  Billy looked at me and said, “Ummmmmm” and then walked away. Okay, so maybe that one was funnier in person!