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Billy is in the midst of potty training (thanks to his father).  He is quite good at using his little potty and has been known to call out in the middle of the night to use it (of course, this is usually just a stalling technique to avoid having to go to sleep, but . . . ).    This new ability has brought forth yet another vast difference between my two oldest boys.  Ricky is perfectly happy to have company in the loo — heck, the Disneyland Main Street Electrical Parade could wheel by and he’d think it was perfect.  Billy.  Well, Billy likes his privacy.  He assumes his seat and then begins the chorus of “‘way! ‘way!  Door!  ‘way!”  until you take hint and go away.  And he knows you are hovering just outside the door because the second he’s finished his business, he’s dumping that little potty into the big potty before some growed-up can do it for him.  Billy is very independent.


Ricky & Billy, January 2009