Cha cha cha cha-cha Wahoo!

Did you know that is the sound a train makes?  Cha cha cha cha-cha Wahoooo!  At least, that is the sound Billy makes for Thomas at our house.

Did you know that sitting behind us at church is entertaining?   As we left church the guy who was behind us today said, “You finally get to go home.  You survived another week.”  To explain I will just say that Billy was still awake when we went to bed at 11 last night, he was up at least once during the night, and he was ready to start the day before 7 this morning.  He’s napping now!

Did you know that 30+ year old bed sheets make Ricky happy?  They do when they have Snoopy and the other Peanuts characters on them and lots of those talking bubbles that comics have.  We even caught him one night using his Buddy Light (portable night-light thing) to read his sheets.  “But, Poppy, I can’t go to sleep.  I haven’t finished reading my sheets yet.”

Did you know that there are few meals both boys enjoy?  Ricky likes bolonga sandwiches, Billy might pick out the cheese but isn’t too crazy about any sandwich.  Billy loves things like vegetable soup (drained) and stew, Ricky does NOT!  Spaghetti, Pizza, and Spaghetti Os are sure winners.  Mac and cheese may or may not be successful.  Ricky will take the corn dogs, Billy likes his dogs naked.  Billy loves his cottage cheese, Ricky will cry if you put that stuff on his plate.

Did you know that coloring has finally become fun for Ricky (and he’s pretty good at it too)?  In the past, he wasn’t interested and at best colored a squiggle on a page. Now Ricky colors the whole page, from top to bottom.  We’ll work on staying in the lines later.  Billy enjoys coloring and is getting better at not coloring on the walls–now he aims for the floor!   He also likes ripping pages out of the color book–if only he didn’t mutilate the picture in the process.