Introducing the Bumbo!

I love this little chair!  Not only is it incredibly convenient, but the baby looks so-oh cute sitting in it!  Wouldn’t you agree?


Rusty makes a lot of faces.  I love this one . . .


And the bumbo opens up all sorts of opportunities for brother-to-brother time.


1 thought on “Introducing the Bumbo!

  1. Cathy Olds

    The only way that kid could be any cuter is if there were some little sock monkeys covering his Bumbo! I’m glad to see the little outfit again. Better wear it lots since he’ll probably outgrow it soon. Next time I buy something for him I’ll make sure it’s two sizes bigger than his current age. Sorry. Cate is almost 11 months and still fits into size 3-6 so I forgot that most babies aren’t like that. Oops.

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