I was chastised . . .

for neglecting to post anything for so long.   I still haven’t uploaded the pictures from my camera yet, but here are a couple of stories to hopefully tide my faithful followers over another day.

My mom has been made the faculty advisor for her high school’s drill team and she’s trying to build a relationship with the girls.  So when she mentioned that they were dancing in Park City, I volunteered to take her to watch them if we could stop at the outlet stores on the way.  The boys were less than thrilled at the idea of a long drive to go shopping, but they had no choice.  Ricky ended up enjoying the ride a lot because we drove through a lot of little communities who put their letters on the mountain sides.  “Hey, Momma!  There’s an H!”  “Look, look!  An M!”  I also convinced Ricky that it would be fun because after the shopping we were going to watch some girls dancing.  That was immediately switched around to “I wanna see the dancing girls!”  As we were walking around the stores, it became, “Momma!  Can we go see some dancing girls now?”

When it was finally time to see the dancing girls, we arrived at the gym and it looked chaotic.  Drill teams from a dozen schools were there cheering each other on and squealing as only teenaged girls can.  We sat down and the boys played nicely with their toys until the event started.  When the music turned on, the girls’ volume intesified and poor Billy rushed to my side.  His eyes were big and he was clapping his flat, chubby hand clap because everyone else was.  It looked really cute.  But after the first number when the girls began screaming for each other, I looked at his cute clapping again and saw terror in his eyes as tears started to flow.  He looked scared out of his wits yet he didn’t stop clapping.  At that point, I took him onto my lap and we endured another half hour until we could  respectfully leave.  Ricky didn’t care for the noisy dancing girls all too much either and tried climbing onto my lap himself once or twice.  Despite their fear in the gym, once we reached the quiet hallway, Ricky said, “Momma, when can we see some dancing girls again!” and Billy added his own chant, “dancing girls … dancing girls … dancing girls.”

The boys have a toy Superman.  He’s just small and usually plays in the Batcave with Batman and Robin.  Billy had him out the other day and we asked him who the toy was.  “Billy, who’s that?”  Billy looked at it and very calmly said, “Poppy.”  Talk about making Kevin’s day!