Independence Day, the real one

With Billy around it feels like every day is his personal fight for independence.  He likes to do things by himself and he’s just too cute to resist . . . even for our dogs!




We celebrated the real 4th of July with my family at the West Point City Parade and Park.  The boys really enjoyed the parade and thought people throwing candy at them was the neatest thing EVER!


Rusty wasn’t so interested in the candy.  I think he was disturbed that I wouldn’t let him have any.


Eighteen years ago my mom had just two grandkids who were just 8 months apart in age and she has a favorite picture of the two of them on her lap.  Rusty and Cate are just 8 months apart in age and so we did another recreation.


We all thought Dan and Danny were enjoying the parade, but maybe all the tractors and cheerleaders were just too much for them.


At the park, there were all sorts of (free) activities for kids and adults.  Ricky really liked the Bounce House . . .


Billy thought he would love it, but once he got inside and couldn’t even stand up because of all the bouncing, he changed his mind.


Instead of a traditional baby contest, the city did Baby Races instead.  None of ours were entered, but I watched one race and it was pretty cute.  The toddlers ran in their race and the babies crawled.  Ricky and Billy gave the crawling track a try.


We couldn’t leave without giving the climbing wall a try and since it was only for the little kids, Billy was game too.


Ricky did a fabulous job once he got his groove.


He made it about halfway up and was done, but he wasn’t exactly sure how to get back down.  Even though he was harnessed, I don’t think he liked the idea of just letting go.  Kevin had to give him a little encouragement.


Billy climbed as high as Kevin’s arm could boost him.  He felt so grown-up!


Ricky gave the climbing wall one thumb up.


While we were waiting for BINGO to start (none of us won anything – so disappointing), Kevin took the boys for some face painting.  Billy did not think they should touch his face with that stuff, but Ricky was all for it.  He choose his design from the samples all by himself.


Ricky doesn’t know who Gene Simmons is or anything about KISS, but Uncle Dan looked very proud!



The rest of the day included a BBQ at Grandmama’s and just some family time.  The boys were nestled all snug in their bed while Kevin and I watched our city’s fireworks from our backyard.  It was a very good day.