Tomato Days

Yesterday our town celebrated its heritage in what is called Tomato Days.  I don’t like tomatoes, but I do like Tomato Days.

We spent the first couple of hours at the baby contest.  It is just kind of fun and since every baby gets a “thanks for entering” prize, there is no harm.


Rusty was entered in the 4-8 month category and was his adorable self.


I guess we didn’t pay off the judges enough because he didn’t win anything!   We love him anyway!


On a fluke, I entered Billy in the 27-35 month category.  He did the baby contest when he was Rusty’s age and didn’t win then either, so I figured we’d give it another go.  As I signed him up, there were only 4 entries – I figured we stood a good chance!


He won TWO prizes!  Billy came away with the Brightest Eyes and Mr. Personality Awards.  We were very proud.

After the contests, we enjoyed some time at the park with booths and games and rides.  Cousin Danny and his family had come up to spend the day with us and Ricky wanted to show Danny everything.


Perhaps my favorite part of the day is the dog races.  I convinced Kevin that our dogs should race again this year, so we wrestled them over to the park and prepped them the best we could.   Kevin stood at the finish line calling for them and I was at the starting line ready to let them go.  We were in the large dog category – they didn’t even bother measuring Trouble.  Here is a picture my brother took for us …


And here is the one that ended up in our local paper.   Our dogs are famous.


We ate lunch and ended up coming home so we missed out on a very sad accident.  A powered parachute came to drop candy on the crowd and lost its lift causing it to crash into the crowd below.  Six people were taken to the hospital with their injuries.  We know 3 of them and all of them are going to be okay.  We heard all the sirens and commotion, but we were busy having a family bbq at our house.

Oh, and our dogs didn’t win the race.  They are big and cute and loveable and would probably do well in a long distance race, but they weren’t made for sprints.