A Fair Trade

On Fridays, Kevin takes a long lunch so that I can spend time volunteering for Ricky’s kindergarten class.  Today he was attempting to put both Billy and Rusty down for naps while I was gone.  Billy can be the easiest or the hardest kid to put down for a nap.  Some days, he instantly falls asleep as his head hits the pillow.  But other days, he finds any way he can to postpone the inevitable.

I guess Kevin had threatened to take away Rex (Billy’s precious stuffed cat) if Billy came out of his room.  Billy is well aware of this tactic and on occasion not only loses Rex, but also Freddy, Cat in the Hat, Bunny, and any other toy he might have taken to bed with him.  Anyway, after a little bit, Kevin heard Billy’s door open and was ready to fulfill the threat, when he saw a stuffed bunny being held out the door.  Billy needed to use the bathroom and knew that coming out of his room would cost him.  I guess he hoped Kevin would take the bunny over Rex.  As is often the case with Billy, Kevin found it too cute to take away any stuffed animals.  And after the bathroom visit, Billy took a nice nap.