Pajamas and Coconuts and First Steps

A couple of weeks ago, the boys got to host a Pajama Party.  Their twin friends came over, everyone wore pjs, they got to watch a movie and make pizza, and stay up until after 8 pm!  It really wasn’t much of a “party” but these boys thought they were in heaven!  The grown-ups came as well and we ate cookies and played games while watching these boys create their fun.

We laughed and were impressed with their creativity as they spent 15 minutes trying to get the lid out of the ottoman.  They pulled and pulled and pulled and the ottoman moved all around the room, but that lid wasn’t budging.  Of course, when Kevin went down and helped them lift it out, the lid moved with ease.  But those boys were trying!



There was a coconut at Grandmama’s house a couple of Sundays ago.  Uncle Tony and Ricky had to open it.


Ricky was very excited to taste coconut juice and coconut milk and fresh coconut.


Until he actually tasted it …


Ricky didn’t like the taste of the coconut juice.   He ran to the trash can to spit out the coconut milk.  And I’m pretty sure he gagged on the minute piece of coconut he actually tried.  At least he had fun watching Uncle Tony pound it open!

This was all the same weekend that Rusty started walking.  Ever try taking a picture of a baby walking?  They don’t turn out so swell …


But he has the cutest little face!
