Correcting Dr. Seuss

Ever read “The Butter Battle Book” by Dr. Seuss?

Our boys were given the book and we thought nothing of it because, hey, it IS a Dr. Seuss book.  We were wrong.  It is a satirical book written about the Cold War, arms race, and nuclear weapons.  It is NOT a good story for little boys!   These are the last two pages:

Since the first time he read the book to the boys, Kevin has acted like our book was missing the last page.  That way he could make up a happy ending or at least a less disturbing one.  Last week, Kevin hesitated at the end of the story and Ricky reminded him that the last page was missing.  They ended it happily and off went Ricky to bed.  The next morning,  Ricky showed me what he’d done …

On the last blank page of the book, Ricky had drawn a picture and written the final sentences.  It says …

(translation:  But Grandpa!  We can live in peace.  Ok, ok, we can.)

I love that boy!  (but we did have a little talk about how drawing in books is usually not a good choice)